Full orchestra in LTE testing
The instrument is ideal for LTE/TDD/5G deployment because it has EVERYTHING engineers need in IP/Ethernet backhaul and PTP/SyncE synchronization. Field experts do not need to carry 16kg bags or several testers with multiple modules to turn up and monitor telecom infrastructures.
Ether10.Genius is equipped with all of the features you may need or imagine such including Master/Slave emulation up to 10Gb/s, BER, RFC2544, eSAM, Multistream, MPLS, Jitter, Wander, etc. to permit the verification of the transmission layer in those terms of performance and quality required to support critical applications.
Case studies
(OPERATIONS)'we need to turnup a 10 GbE network for LTE that must be synchronized with PTP. Do we have any compact tester? '
- (FINANCE) 'migration towards SyncE has been decided, so the company doesn't need to invest in two separate units for asynchronous and SyncE, just a single GbE test instrument'
(MANAGEMENT) 'engineers must be ready and able to troubleshoot any technology'
(ENGINEER) 'yes boss, we are willing to do it, we just need a good van and a multitech instrument'
- (LAB) 'prepare a PTP Master/Slave emulator to test the new LTE base station but please verify both internal and external clock reference'
'please verify the hi-voltage teleprotection of lines, multiplexers, transformers and generation plant'
Features and Benefits
Built with latest technology it is a light while rugged tester that facilitates many hours of continuous operation.
- Ports: 2SFP+, WIS, 2RJ45, 2BNC, DTE/DCE, GPS
- RFC 2544, eSAM (Y.1564), SLA
- Ext. Clock: 10 MHz, 2048/1544 Mb/s, 2048/1544 MHz, 1 pps
- Int Clock: Rubidium, OCXO, GPS/GLONASS
- Synch: G.8261, G.8262, G.8264
- SyncE MTIE/TDEV measurement & generation
- C37.94: BER, events, nx64, one-way delay
- IEEE 1588v2 support decoding
- PTP master / slave
- PTP wander analysis/generation
- FULL T1/E1 test Jitter/Wander, Pulse
- One-way delay test (GPS accuracy)
- Datacom with CISCO standard cables
- DTE+DCE for all operation modes
- SNMP/MIB support
- Touchscreen, Mouse, VNC
Dear Customer,
Ether10.Genius is a good devices that includes all the hardware of three ALBEDO testers:
- Ether.Genius (GbE, SyncE, E1 tester)
- Ether.Giga (GbE tester)
- Ether.Sync (SyncE/PTP tester)
- AT.One (T1/E1/Datacom tester)
This test set includes all the hardware as standard whilst the features are activated by soft keys. This is an outstanding advantage for field engineers that can troubleshoot legacy technologies such as E1, or current technologies such as GbE, or future technologies such as SyncE without the cost of buying additional hardware
Kind Regards,
Sales Director