(This product is supported until 2022 but it has been discontinued)
Metro.Cable is a customizable time-domain reflectometer (TDR) to characterize and locate faults in metallic cables of any nature (i.e. untwisted lines, twisted pair wire, coaxial cable, non-standard bundle, etc.). It can also be used to locate discontinuities, bandwidth, FEXT, or any other impairment in the electrical path. It has two default interfaces BNC and RJ45 for coaxial cables and Ethernet cables, while the third interface can be adapted to any demand to satisfy the necessity of fault location in non-standard cables.
Metro.Cable has native interfaces for the most popular cables used in telecoms, coaxial & twisted pairs, that are connected to the board by means of BNC and RJ45 conectors. Field engineers can test installations for Ethernet, E1/PDH/SDH, TV, radio and more.
Metro.Cable can also satisfy the need of testing special cables made of two, three or any number of conductors. In order to make it possible Metro cable uses two adapters: the Near-end and the Far-end Active Loop that facilitate the selection of each pair and the generation of special test signals.
Near-end adapter is a switching matrix that allow the selection of any pair of conductors to execute the TDR test.
Far-end adapter communicated with an independent media with the Metro.Cable board can open/close any two circuits, generate a tone or a special impedance.